I've got a pretty beefy rig but not a monster by any standard and am getting an average of around 40FPS at 1920x1080 with everything maxed minus AA and Physx (can't even turn on the latter due to the performance hit - the destructible items in game are still pretty well done though, the bullets really feel like they pack a punch on both enemies and your surroundings.
"PC version runs like a dream - I guess the devs previous PC-centric experience probably shows here (the PS2 port of the original was awful from what I've heard also although I don't know whether or not that was an inhouse job or not). Shame really, cos' both the time period and the story seems interesting and very well put together. I hope that this is an old e3 demo or something and the technical hiccups are corrected in the final version ( doubt it ). Also i hardly ever mind jaggies and screen-tearing but i gotta say Mafia 2 really suffers from both of those in a big way. But the game runs poorly: under 30fps pretty much the whole time, it makes the shooting and driving more frustrating that it already is. But since they wanted Mafia II to be GTA IV but in the mob days, and it's not because it was never going to be, they could never give it a 9 unless they were trying to shift copies at GameStop, it has to be an 8 at best.Īny review for a game that's not marked with red on MetaCritic isn't worth the time to read.Said: " Played to 360 version and gotta say that technically it's not that impressive, sure there is a lot of attention to detail and models look great etc. It's only when you have something expected to be crap that turns out awesome like Batman that you can escape this obvious review system. They love blockbuster crap that they've been hyping themselves over for months, and anything else they just spit a 7-9 on depending on how much it fits into what they wanted the game to be like. Not saying the game can't be worse than the first, or even terrible, just that IGN/GameSpot/etc. Although those reviewers seem to have understood it's not GTA, it's a story based linear game instead of a sandbox. The fact either of them scored the console ports of the first game a 7 is even worse.
They loved the original when they had a PC team. GameSpot is the same, the review now is just a copy/paste of the 360. They gave the Xbox/PS2 ports a 6.8 back in the day. The original game was reviewed back when there was a separate PC review team and it got a 9.2. That PC review for example is just a copy/paste of the 360 one, by the same guy.
If they had played the first one it was the said shit console ports (which they probably didn't play as those reviewers have either moved onto real jobs or the games were thrown onto the low-pay reviewers who have to review all the crap) and plus they love average crap in the first place. There's a ton of reviews and stuff out there bashing it for not being "open-world with tons of crap to do" because none of them played the first game and just assumed this was GTA IN MAFIA DAYS! That's the problem with console-only idiots. Still, should be fun to play, I guess I just won't buy the limited edition though, just the regular one on PC.

I'm surprised, I thought it was gonna get a great review, but it's apparently marred by a mediocre pacing, repetitive action, and a false sense of roaming freedom (unlike GTA IV I guess).